USGA Rules of Golf and Etiquette Govern Play with the Exception of the Following Local Rules:
Out of Bounds: Defined by a line connecting the inside of white stakes or fencing on holes 1, 2, 3, 6, 7, 11 (left side), 15 and 16. During play of hole 12, a ball played from the 12th tee is considered out of bounds if it comes to rest within the confines of the 11th hole as defined by white stakes on hole 11! White stakes along the right side of the 11th hole are considered hazard markers when playing the 11th hole.
Sand areas along the left side of hole 7 and the right side of hole 9 are waste areas and, as such, are integral to the golf course. Play the ball as it lies, no relief without penalty.
A ball hitting a utility pole, tower or power lines must be replayed, without penalty, from where the previous stroke was made.
A ball coming to rest within the confines of the base of a utility tower shall be removed and dropped, without penalty, within two club lengths of the base, no closer to the hole but allowing for complete relief for stroke and stance.
Utility poles are considered immovable obstructions, complete relief, without penalty, for stance and stroke, one club length no nearer the hole.
A player may take relief if an immovable obstruction (sprinkler head) is on the line of play and is within two club-lengths of the green AND within two club-lengths of the ball.
Boundary walls, fences and stakes are considered to be integral parts of the course. No relief is provided without penalty.
Service roads and drainage trenches containing gravel are considered to be abnormal ground conditions, complete relief for stance and stroke within one club length no closer to the hole is permitted without penalty.
Notice: USGA Rule 18.2 is in effect at all times: A ball is considered lost after a search of 3 minutes.
Each player must have a set of clubs.
Players are not permitted to bring their own coolers or alcoholic beverages.
Please replace divots and repair ball marks.
Please keep golf carts 25 yards away from greens and 15 yards from tees and bunkers.
Please rake bunkers upon exiting.